About Bach Agencies

A family company with more then 30 years of experience in bicycle branche

For many years we have been loyal partners with suppliers and buyers. Bach Agencies is founded in 1984 and is a true family company. We represent our partners on the Benelux market. With our wide knowledge and experience of the bicycle market, is it safe to assume that Bach Agencies the company for your bicycle parts.

With our office we mediate for our partners their General terms and conditions / Standard business conditions, product promotions, product support, sales and marketing. This gives the advantages of costumer correspondence in native language which increases their approachability and accessibility. We will advise fast, professionally and can optionally accompany the entire process from order till arrival.

Curious about the companies and their brands we represent? See our brand page, where you will find all the companies and brands highlighted. Unfortunately in the Dutch language, but it's the Dutch speaking majority who we want to inform about our partners.


Do have the feeling that Bach Agencies can help you with your product(s) on the Benelux market or any other questions about our operations? Please don't hesitate and contact us or fill in the contact form!

Bach Agency mediates brands from foreign companies on the Benelux market.

With activities as; Sales, Marketing and Product Support. With the accountability within a given country is the core of the cooperation.

Analysing and keep investigating the market with orientation on the product.

Identifying market opportunities, reporting these in order to respond together as best on the market. Actively approaching the market,  is also important to us, to be able to optimally position the product.

Product support throughout the complete bicycle industry and market

We aim to resolve problems as quickly as possible and offer our customers high quality services. We also help with the additional necessary information as product news, product documentation, training, and more.
